Azealia Banks Slams Iggy Azalea; "Stop Trying To Move Igloo In On What Nicki Has Established"
4 December 2014, 10:24

Read the shocking tweets Azealia Banks posted.
Azealia Banks is not one to hold back on what she thinks, and this week she thinks a lot about Iggy Azalea, who she has dubbed Iggy "Igloo" Azalea.
The '212' rapper has taken to Twitter to slam her fellow female rapper, apparently about Iggy Azalea's recent silence on the events unfolding in Ferguson in the wake of the Mike Brown shooting.
its funny to see people Like Igloo Australia silent when these things happen... Black Culture is cool, but black issues sure aren't huh?
— AZEALIA ⚓️ BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) December 4, 2014
— AZEALIA ⚓️ BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) December 4, 2014
Azalea also referenced the fact that the Aussie rapper has a black boyfriend, basketball player Nick Young, writing "that wannabe black girl sh*t makes me wanna throw a far of my p*ss at her LMFAOOOO."
The abuse didn't stop there. Banks also had words about Iggy's success in the industry, claiming she is trying to move in on what Nicki Minaj has established and, probably pre-empting what happened when Snoop Dogg insulted Iggy, dared T.I to "say something."
And the media needs to STOP trying to move igloo in on what Nicki has established.
— AZEALIA ⚓️ BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) December 4, 2014
Another tweet read' Nicki is a hard-working rap-BEAST. stop trying to degrade and BELITTLE Our culture with this f***ing kkk Iggy sh*t."
Meanwhile, Iggy took the high road, responding only to say that just because you don't see someone helping on Twitter, doesn't mean they aren't.
Theres more to sparking a change than trolling on social media. World issues shouldnt be used as a poor excuse to promote fan battles.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 4, 2014
The world is too hung up on what is or isnt said on twitter. theres an actual world out there and multiple ways you can promote change.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 4, 2014